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  • Reynal Dsouza

Top 5 Benefits Of Cycling Backed By Science

Top 5 Benefits Of Cycling Backed By Science

Quick Summary

Find a list of the most popular Benefits of Cycling that science now backs. Understand the reasons and start your cycling journey today.


Fitness has been significant in changing times, and over the past decade, people are increasingly concerned about their mental and physical health. When we speak of “fitness” and “exercise,” all that comes to our little human mind is running, weightlifting, yoga, and other similar activities. And while all of these are pretty good choices to go with, cycling has some of the best benefits that are backed by science now.

So let's delve deep into the world of cycling and learn how it can change your thoughts on the Benefits of cycling.

Top 5 Benefits Of Cycling You Wish You Knew Earlier

Whether your goal is to combat obesity or boost your immune system, cycling has got you covered. Following is the list of popular benefits of cycling that are now proven and can help you achieve your desired outcomes.

1. Cycling cleans your gut, combats obesity, and boosts your immune system

Firstly, experts at Bristol University believe that cycling plays a far better role in cleaning your gut. Also, “It is a physical activity that helps reduce the time it takes to move food in your large intestine, limits the water that is absorbed back into the body, and leaves you with soft stools that are easier to pass,” says a gastroenterologist Dr. Ana Raimundo.

While another research also reveals you need to burn 8400 kilojoules, equal to 2000 calories per week, with exercises. But did you know that when it comes to steady cycling, you can burn up to 1200 kilojoules, approximately 300 calories per hour? How remarkable is this fun fact for daily cycling?

Additionally, riders who cycle for half an hour 5 days a week showed fewer signs of sickness and were healthier than other of their co-workers. So we can proudly acknowledge that one of the significant benefits of cycling is to combat obesity, have a healthier immune system, and have a happier gut.

2. Cycling prolongs your life span

Most of us are familiar with the idea that exercise can add more years to our life, but we fail to understand that cycling is one of those physical activities we need. A study conducted at King’s College London revealed a difference of 9 years between twins who cycled and ones who didn't. Isn't it amusing that cycling isn't just pedaling a bicycle from point A to Point B? There are benefits of cycling backed by science.

While a study was also published in the “International Journal of Sports Medicine” that revealed cyclists that participated in the Tour de France had lived an average of 8 years longer than the general population. These are some stats we can't ignore and reinforces the idea that cycling as a physical activity can contribute significantly to a longer and healthier life. And by doing so you could enhance your overall well-being and add precious years to your journey through life.

3. Increases Brain Power

Did you know cycling has a fascinating impact on brain power? You read it right; cycling has a very positive impact. While exercises stimulate the formation of new connections between brain cells in the cortical areas, it enhances the overall brain function. It also repairs the damaged cells if you have had a nerve injury.

However, if you engage in regular exercising, including cycling, it can benefit your brain health as you start to age. It will increase the blood flow and the amount of oxygen delivered to your brain. This perk will also regenerate receptors and drastically reduce the risk of brain conditions like Alzheimer’s, which Professor Arthur Kramer has deeply explained from the University of Illinois.

By adding cycling to your routine, you not only enjoy the physical and mental benefits, but it also provides support for your brain's well-being. It's a beautiful way to keep your mind sharp and reduce the risk of age-related brain conditions.

4. Cycling is a Low impact

Cycling is a low-impact exercise that puts less stress on your body than running, a weight-bearing exercise. Studies reveal that when exercisers, long-distance runners, and cyclists were compared, runners had more significant muscle damage (133-144%), inflammation(256%), and even higher levels of Delayed onset muscle soreness(87%), while a cyclist is less likely to have injuries if they do, they can still get up and move on the go. However, investing in a professional bike fit is always advisable to ensure proper alignment and avoid injuries.

5. Cyclists sleep better

One of the remarkable benefits of cycling is its positive impact on sleep quality. It isn't rocket science that tiring yourself on a bicycle will give you a good night's sleep, but it's proven! Researchers at the University of Georgia conducted a 35-year study involving men and women aged 25 to 85. They discovered that a decrease in fitness by 2%for men and 4% for women was associated with sleep problems.

Here cycling can directly contribute to improved sleep enhancing physical fitness, reducing anxiety, aiding in weight management, and preventing age-related weight gain, all of which contribute to better sleep quality and duration.


As all these benefits of cycling are backed by science, we can emphasize that cycling not only improves physical fitness, combats obesity, and boosts the immune system but also extends lifespan and enhances brain power. Its low-impact nature reduces the risk of injuries compared to other exercises and promotes better sleep. Thus, cycling makes it an ideal activity for individuals seeking to improve their overall well-being. So hop on your bike and look out to embrace the benefits of cycling, whether for strength, mental well-being, or simply the joy of pedaling towards a happier and healthier life. You can reach out to us for more cycling-related queries that happen in town! Connect with us today and get your cycling journey started!

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